Web Map Service (WMS)

Basemap service in WMS format. Contains regularly updated data layers on roads, populated places, land use, hydrography, railroads, buildings and several types of points of interest, shown either as pictograms (as churches, hills, rail stations, airports) or as labels (governmental and municipal institutions, schools, supermarkets etc.).


Process chart

Name Type Explanation
Response message Message End The application creates response message according to "Response message" chapter
Request information from the database Action API queries the database with request parameters
Is the request valid? Gateway The application verifies request parameters
Error response Message End The application creates error response according to "Verification" chapter

Request parameters

Request consists of the following URI parameters:

Parameter Possible values Default value Required Description
apikey string - Yes Your authorization key
request GetMap
- Yes GetMap request retrieves a map from a WMS site. GetMap allows the client to specify distinct layers, the spatial reference system, the geographic area, and other parameters describing the returned map format. Upon receiving the GetMap request, a WMS site will either satisfy the request or send an error message in accordance with the exception instructions contained in the GetMap request.
GetCapabilities request provides information about a WMS service, such as image formats it can serve, list of one or more map layers available in the service etc.
format image/png image/png Yes Only png is supported at the moment. This parameter is optional and defaults to png.
For GetMap request only.
service WMS - No For GetMap request only.
layers GDHdefault
- Yes Defines visual output of the WMS.
GDHdefault stands for colour version, GDHdefault_bw stands for grayscale version.
version 1.0.0
- Yes Defines the version of WMS service. For GetMap request only.
srs EPSG:3857
- Yes Spatial reference system of the basemap. Supported values include EPSG:3857 (i.e., Web Mercator), EPSG:3059 (Latvian coordinate system), EPSG:3301 (Estonian coordinate system).
For GetMap request only.
For WMS versions >= 1.3.0.
crs EPSG:3857
- No Same as srs, but
for WMS versions < 1.3.0.
bbox floating point number,
floating point number,
floating point number,
floating point number
- Yes Defines bounding box with two coordinate pairs (minx,miny,maxx,maxy) in coordinate system matching srs/crs parameter value. For GetMap request only. There may be required different coordinate pair sequence based on which WMS version is used, refer to the appropriate WMS version specification, that can be found on the internet.
width integer - Yes Width in pixels of the resulting map image.
For GetMap request only.
height integer - Yes Height in pixels of the resulting map image.
For GetMap request only.
transparent true, false false No Map background transparency.
For GetMap request only.

GetMap request example

https://api.geodatahub.eu/wms/service?layers=[]&format=[image format]&srs=[spatial reference system code]&exceptions=[]&transparent=[]&service=[]&version=[]&request=[request type]&styles=[]&bbox=[bounding box coordinates]&width=[image width in pixels]&height=[image hight in pixels]&apikey=[API_KEY]

GetCapabilities request example (for desktop applications)



Verification errorCode errorName errorDescription
Is layer defined correctly in the request? 400 Bad Request "unknown layer"
Is API key in the request? 401 Unauthorized "No API key found in request"
Is API key correct in request? 403 Forbidden "Invalid authentication credentials"
Is API key active? 403 Forbidden "Invalid authentication credentials"
Is format defined correctly in the request? 400 Bad Request "unsupported image format"
Is request defined correctly in the request? 400 Bad Request "unknown WMS request type"
Is service defined correctly in the request? 500 Internal Server Error "Internal error"
Is weigth/height values defined correctly in the request? 500 Internal Server Error "Internal error"
A parameter is missing. 400 Bad Request "missing parameters"
Is EPSG code correct in the request (crs)? 400 Bad Request "unsupported crs"
Is EPSG code correct in the request (srs)? 400 Bad Request "unsupported srs"
Is bbox defined correctly in the request? 400 Bad Request "invalid bbox"

Scales by zoom levels

Zoom level Scale
1 1:279 541 132.01428574
2 1:139 770 566.00714287
3 1:69 885 283.00357144
4 1:34 942 641.50178572
5 1:17 471 320.75089286
6 1:8 735 660.375464285
7 1:4 367 830.187714286
8 1:2 183 915.093860714
9 1:1 091 957.546932143
10 1:545 978.7734642858
11 1:272 989.38673285715
12 1:136 494.69336642858
13 1:68 247.34668321429
14 1:34 123.673341607144
15 1:17 061.836670785713
16 1:8 530.918335392857
17 1:4 265.459167714285
18 1:2 132.7295838500004
19 1:1 066.3647919250002


  • HTTP status = 200;
  • Body consists of the following values:

GetMap output examples

Output when layers=GDHdefault


Output when layers=GDHdefault_bw


GetCapabilities output example

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!DOCTYPE WMT_MS_Capabilities SYSTEM "http://schemas.opengis.net/wms/1.1.1/WMS_MS_Capabilities.dtd"
 <!ELEMENT VendorSpecificCapabilities EMPTY>
  <!-- end of DOCTYPE declaration -->
  <WMT_MS_Capabilities version="1.1.1">
      <Title>GeoDataHub WMS services</Title>
      <Abstract>GeoDataHub WMS services</Abstract>
      <OnlineResource xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="http://bgm-api.reach-u.com/wms/service"/>
                <OnlineResource xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="http://bgm-api.reach-u.com/wms/service?"/>
                <OnlineResource xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="http://bgm-api.reach-u.com/wms/service?"/>
                <OnlineResource xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="http://bgm-api.reach-u.com/wms/service?"/>
        <Title>GeoDataHub WMS services</Title>
        <LatLonBoundingBox minx="19.072265625" miny="53.3833283676" maxx="32.0361328125" maxy="60.8020637447" />
        <BoundingBox SRS="EPSG:3857" minx="2123114.89765" miny="7054220.46638" maxx="3566245.99167" maxy="8580515.04718" />
        <ScaleHint  max="4525.48339959" />
          <Title>GeoDataHub default basemap</Title>
          <LatLonBoundingBox minx="19.072265625" miny="53.3833283676" maxx="32.0361328125" maxy="60.8020637447" />
          <BoundingBox SRS="EPSG:3857" minx="2123114.89765" miny="7054220.46638" maxx="3566245.99167" maxy="8580515.04718" />
          <ScaleHint  max="4525.48339959" />
          <Title>GeoDataHub default basemap in EPSG :3301 projection</Title>
          <LatLonBoundingBox minx="19.072265625" miny="53.3833283676" maxx="32.0361328125" maxy="60.8020637447" />
          <BoundingBox SRS="EPSG:3857" minx="2123114.89765" miny="7054220.46638" maxx="3566245.99167" maxy="8580515.04718" />
          <ScaleHint  max="4525.48339959" />
          <Title>GeoDataHub default basemap in grayscale color</Title>
          <LatLonBoundingBox minx="19.072265625" miny="53.3833283676" maxx="32.0361328125" maxy="60.8020637447" />
          <BoundingBox SRS="EPSG:3857" minx="2123114.89765" miny="7054220.46638" maxx="3566245.99167" maxy="8580515.04718" />
          <ScaleHint  max="4525.48339959" />
          <Title>GeoDataHub default basemap for TMS/WMTS in EPSG:3301 projection</Title>
          <LatLonBoundingBox minx="19.072265625" miny="53.3833283676" maxx="32.0361328125" maxy="60.8020637447" />
          <BoundingBox SRS="EPSG:3857" minx="2123114.89765" miny="7054220.46638" maxx="3566245.99167" maxy="8580515.04718" />
          <ScaleHint  max="4525.48339959" />
          <Title>GeoDataHub default basemap for TMS/WMTS in EPSG:3059 projection</Title>
          <LatLonBoundingBox minx="19.072265625" miny="53.3833283676" maxx="30.72395096" maxy="59.5316414106" />
          <BoundingBox SRS="EPSG:3857" minx="2123114.89765" miny="7054220.46638" maxx="3420174.57602" maxy="8296193.16146" />
          <ScaleHint  max="4525.48339959" />

Step-by-step guide to insert WMS into ArcGIS

Supported from ArcGIS 10.4

  1. Create account and get your api key at www.geodatahub.eu

  2. ArcCatalog: GIS Servers - Add WMS Server -

  3. ArcMap: Add Data - GIS Servers - Add WMS Server -

  4. URL: https://api.geodatahub.eu/wms/service? Add Custom Parameter Parameter: apikey Value: insert your api key (token)

Data sources and updates

Area of Latvia and Lithuania is covered by Jāņa Sēta's data. Area of Estonia is covered by Maa-amet (Estonian Land Board) and © OpenStreetMap contributors data.

The content is updated quarterly.