Reverse geocoder

Reverse Geocode API is for finding readable address or place name for geographical coordinates (point location).


Process chart

Name Type Explanation
Is request valid? Gateway Application verifies request parameters
Error response Message End Application creates error response according to "Verification" chapter
Request reverse geocode information from database Action API queries database with request parameters
Response message Message End Application creates response message according to "Response message" chapter

Request parameters

Request consists of the following URI parameters:

Parameter Possible values Default value Required Description
lat double Yes (A) Latitude. E.g. 58.37
lon double Yes (A) Longitude. E.g. 26.71
x double Yes (B) X coordinate (for example in LKS-92 (EPSG:25884) coordinate system)
y double Yes (B) Y coordinate (for example in LKS-92 (EPSG:25884) coordinate system)
region est, lva, ltu No Dataset id by country such as est, lva, ltu etc. The codes are set according to ISO-3166-1 standard. Defines the area where data is searched from.
This parameter may be specified multiple times, to merge results from multiple datasets.
Example: ...&region=est,ltu&...
lang et, lv, lt No If lang is not defined, output is given in all available languages.
If lang is defined, addresses are searched and output is given in these languages only.
apikey string Yes Your authorisation key
type xml, json json No The format in which the output should be generated.
crs string 4326 B Spatial reference system of the query and response. Supported values include EPSG:4326 (i. e. WGS84 geographical coordinates) and EPSG:3301 (i. e. L-EST97, the Estonian national projected coordinate system), as well as the EPSG codes for the UTM projections.
limit integer 1 No Max value 25

Request URL example[API KEY]&y=[Y coordinate]&x=[X coordinate]&lang=[output language]&type=[response type]&crs=[EPSG code]&limit=[output limit]


Verification errorCode errorName errorDescription
Is API key in request? 400 Bad Request No API key found in request
Is API key correct in request? 401 Unauthorized Invalid authentication credentials
Is API key active? 403 Forbidden Inactive API key found in request
Is 'lat', 'lon' present in request? 400 Bad Request Either 'lat' and 'lon' or 'x' and 'y' parameters should be present in request
Is 'x', 'y', present in request? 400 Bad Request Either 'lat' and 'lon' or 'x' and 'y' parameters should be present in request
Is 'crs' present in request (when using parameters 'x' and 'y')? 400 Bad Request EPSG parameter has to be defined
Is EPSG code correct in request? 400 Bad Request Unknown coordinate system: EPSG:...
Is output format correct in request? 400 Bad Request Incorrect output format(type) requested
Is language defined correctly in request? 400 Bad Request Incorrectly defined language in request
Is region defined correctly in request? 501 Not Implemented Unsupported region: '...'
Is rule set id defined correctly in request? 501 Not Implemented Unsupported rule set id: '...'
Is radius defined correctly in request? 400 Bad Request Incorrectly defined radius in request
Is limit defined correctly in request? 400 Bad Request Incorrectly defined limit in request

Response parameters

  • HTTP status = 200;
  • Body consists of the following values:
Parameter Type Presence depends on request parameter? Description
name string No Searched coordinates - input q
(Longitude, Latitude)
  properties - - -
    full_address string No Formatted address string, exact format depends on the request parameter rs
    country string No Country code
    level0...level[n] string No Address components by levels. Real content depends on country specifics and can be understood by conversion table.
    apartment string Yes, if include_apartments=true Apartment number
    postal_code string No Postal code
    adob_type string No Address object type (general code). Reference table of address object type local codes by countries.
Currently available for Estonian data only.
    pop integer No Value of population of populated places Can be used for ranking purposes.
    extended_data - - -
      crs string No Spatial Reference (EPSG) code of query and response. If not specified by request parameter, default value "EPSG:4326" is given.
      centroid double No Center coordinates of the output object.
      distance integer no Distance in meters between input coordinates and centroid of the output address
      is_address boolean No If true, output is an address object.
If false, output is an address component (e.g. municipality, settlement unit, street).
   geometry - - -
    type string No Geometry type. Possible value: Point
    coordinates double No Geographical coordinates for each address object.
If not specified by request parameter, coordinates are given in EPSG:4326.
  bbox double No Corner coordinates of the output object

Response examples

  "type": "FeatureCollection",
  "name": "Longitude: 26.0, Latitude: 58.0",
  "features": [
      "type": "Feature",
      "properties": {
        "adob_type": "RB",
        "country": "EST",
        "extended_data": {
          "distance": 888,
          "crs": "EPSG:4326",
          "centroid": "26.014997,58.000471",
          "is_address": true
        "level6": "Viru",
        "full_address": "Eesti, Valga maakond, Tõrva vald, Jõgeveste küla",
        "level1": "Valga maakond",
        "postal_code": "68616",
        "level3": "Jõgeveste küla",
        "level2": "Tõrva vald"
      "geometry": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [
      "bbox": [
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <ns2:name>Longitude: 26.0, Latitude: 58.0</ns2:name>
          <xal:AddressLine Type="full_address">Eesti, Valga maakond, Tõrva vald, Jõgeveste küla</xal:AddressLine>
          <xal:AddressLine Type="country">EST</xal:AddressLine>
          <xal:AddressLine Type="level1">Valga maakond</xal:AddressLine>
          <xal:AddressLine Type="level2">Tõrva vald</xal:AddressLine>
          <xal:AddressLine Type="level3">Jõgeveste küla</xal:AddressLine>
          <xal:AddressLine Type="level6">Viru</xal:AddressLine>
          <xal:AddressLine Type="postal_code">68616</xal:AddressLine>
          <xal:AddressLine Type="adob_type">RB</xal:AddressLine>
        <ns2:Data name="is_address">
        <ns2:Data name="bbox">
        <ns2:Data name="centroid">
        <ns2:Data name="crs">
        <ns2:Data name="distance">

Data sources and updates

Address data used in GDH Reverse Geocode API is based on national address databases, maintained by state institutions, including Maa-amet (Estonian Land Board) for Estonian addresses and Valsts Zemes dienests (Latvian State Land Service) for Latvian addresses. GDH address data is updated on a quarterly basis.